Forest Spirit Moonlight White 2020

more info coming soon …

14,00 88,00 

For our 1-year aniversary tea cakes, Farmer Yang brought out his 2020 Moonlight White collection for us – limited edition 12 pressed cakes. After two years of aging and transformation, our Forest Spirit Moonlight White Tea has star anise speice, orchid and honey fragrance, mellow and smooth, and has the soothing feeling of a well-aged Pu’er tea. We love its energy that really feels like taking an evening stroll under the moonlight, the neighbor yard’s orchid flowers blooming gently and its beautiful scent brushes over our shoulders in the night breeze.

This special White Tea shows our Farmer Yang’s craftsmanship. It’s made from the very same Ancient Tree leaves that is made of his Shu/Riped Puér but using white tea processing method –  After picking fresh leaves in the night, leaves are naturally dried indoors. Not only there is no kill-green nor kneading steps in this process, but also each batch of raw tea (mao cha) must be finished within one day without being exposed to the sunlight. After processing, the top of the tea leaf is white while the back is dark. The leaf buds look white and bright like a crooked moon, and one bud and two leaves as a whole also look like the moon in a dark night. When you look closer, the leaves have little short white and smooth fuzzy hairs, which is an indicator of a good quality Moonlight White tea.

Historically, the original Moonlight White tea refers to the white tea that is made of “Jinggu Big White Tea” cultivar and dried in the shades. Nowadays, farmers from other towns other than Jinggu town have adapted the technique and mastered the skills to make Moonlight White Tea from Yunnan Large Leaf Species (aka Puér cultivar).

Farmer Yang’s Moonlight White Tea is one of them – using Yunnan Large Leave Species ancient tree leaves that are over 200 years old. Similar to wineyards and olive gardens, the age of the garden has a large impact on the  micronutrients in the soil, leading to a stronger and more complex chemical cocktail. There are records of tea gardens in Jingmai going back 1200 years, which is one theory as to why this region produces such coveted teas. The roots of these ancient trees go deep into the soil, absorbing more underground minerals and nutrients. It leads to higher and richer content of tea polyphenols than that of tea trees in other region or younger trees, resulting in tea liquors with higher content of substance, crisp clear mountain and multilayered flavors, as well as longer length. Therefore this kind of White Tea has more medicinal properties, and more aging potentials. 

(It’s very good to enjoy now already in 2022 but also can be continue aged if you wish! 😛 )


Inspired – This rare tea was uniquely crafted to take you on a journey. Sip back and enjoy the ride.




30g w/composable bag, 357g cake, 60g w/composable bag


Ancient Tree, White

Tea Profile

Cultivar: Yunnan Ancient Tree Large Leaf Species

Origin: Yang Farm, Yunnan Jingmai Mountain, China

Picking: 2020 Spring, > 1500m altitude

Processing: Natural dried under moonlight

Tasting Notes: vanilla, green-bean sweet paste 

Brewing Method

Gōng Fū Chá Style

6g tea to 150ml water
1st brew: 100C,10 sec
2nd brew: 100C, 15-20 sec
3rd+ brews: 100C, add 15 sec each time

It can be brewed up to 5-7 or even more brews.
To brew Gōng Fū Chá Style, preheat the teapot before putting tea leaves, and then start with the first quick brew, around 15-20 seconds.*

For the continuing brews, we recommend to play with the brewing time with the temperature. For your reference, the brewing time can be increased 5-10 seconds on each brew.**

* Some people may want to do a “wash” for their tea, we sometimes do sometimes doesn’t, for the aged ones we do, so it is up to you. You can actually compare which taste you prefer – throw away the first or not. 
** Each tea is alive in this own way, this is just a recommended brewing method. We encourage you to listen to the tea, listen to yourself, feel the tea and experiment with the tea.

(If you discover an exciting method, please let us know, we are always happy to hear and learn from each other! 😊)

Cover Art Story

The cover art is made by Yiling’s mom Ouyang Chenxin, titled “Forest Spirit“. The inspiration comes from the Buddhist Jataka tale “A Nine-Colored Deer“, which was discovered as cave paintings in the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang, China.

In the tale there was a magnificent looking deer, the rarest one could find: its coat had nine colors, and its antlers were as the snow and lived by the Ganges River. One day, a man fell into the river in a windstorm. Without much thought and regard for its own safety, the deer jumped into the water and rescued him. In exchange, the man promises not to reveal the deer’s whereabouts.

The same night, at Royal Palace, the Queen saw the nine colored deer in her dream and she began to yearn for it, wanting to use its beautiful coat to make cloth and its snowy white antlers to make the handle of dusters. In order to please his queen, the King decreed that anybody who could tell the whereabouts of the nine colored deer would be hugely rewarded. The man gives in to his greed and leads an army of warriors to the spot. He falls into the river again, hoping the deer will show up to rescue him. This time, all the warriors’ arrows turn into dust and the man is drowned.

The deer appeared and told everything to the King. The deer’s words rang with righteous truth, so much so that the King was ashamed of ever wanting to kill it. He admonished the man and said, “ You owe this deer your life, so how can you repay it by wanting it killed?”

Then, the King made a national decree that the deer was to be protected by law and should not suffer any harm. From then on, the country enjoyed clement weather, bumper harvests, and peace all over the land. His subjects also enjoyed a happy life, free from all illnesses and cares.

Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio made an animation film about this tale in 1981, for people who is interested in watching, please click here.

My mom was deeply moved by the original mural of this tale, not only the color of the deer and how the ancient technique depicts the colors with the narrative, but also the depth of the story – those with a good heart will be rewarded with goodness, and those with avarice and greed will be punished by inflictions.

We feel this piece is somehow resembles our fantasy towards the moon and moonlight. The sense of summer evening breeze tenderly touching our shoulders and neck while taking an evening stoke under moonlight – it’s presented in moonlight white tea whenever we drink it.

1 review for Forest Spirit Moonlight White 2020

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Mélina Guillon

    Delicious white tea. It is mellow and doesn’t get bitter. Fruity sweet notes… 🍵 Definitely will drink more of this wonder.

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