to be
We invite you to a very special moment of our life. 我们邀请您参与我们生命中非常特别的时刻.
wedding retreat

Quinta Verde Sintra – Casa de Campo
Estrada de Magoito 84
Casal da Granja
2710-252 Sintra, Portugal
Dress code
no special dress code, to be the best looking in your own eyes. 没有特殊的着装要求,只要是你眼中最好的样子. 😀

wedding program 婚礼活动安排
7.3 Thursday | ARRIVAL
reception, room check-in 到达、接待
8.3 Friday | WEDDING DAY
8:30-10:30 Breakfast 早餐
11:00-12:30 Tea Session 敬茶仪式、茶会
13:15 Lunch 午餐 (Restaurant Caricato)*
16:00 Wedding Ceremony 户外婚礼 **
19:00 Dinner Party 晚餐派对
9.3 Saturday | TOGETHERNESS
8:30-10:30 Breakfast 早餐 (Optional, 10€/person 可选, 10欧/位)
16:30 “to be” experience 特别体验
a multi-sensory experience designed by Yiling & Patrick, dress comfortably 由一凌&家铭设计的五感体验, 穿着舒适
19:00 Dinner 晚餐
10.3 Sunday | Patrick’s Bday
Departure; whoever still stay in town, let’s have double celebration together 离开;留在城里的伙伴一起庆生吧!
*each guest will be responsible for their own meal 每位客人需自行负责膳食
**outdoor, pls dress accordingly to the ocean breeze & chance of rain 户外,请根据海风和下雨的情况穿着适当的衣服
To be
Recommendations 推荐活动
We have a couple recommended places for you to visit while spending time here in Sintra.
Praia da Adraga – Our favourite beach, if you go there during the low tide, go to the left side of the beach, there is an arch by the cliff, inside there you can find a cave with crystals. Can bring a light. The cliffs on the both side of the beach are worth hiking as well. (The restaurant on that beach is also recommended! ) / 我们最喜欢的海滩,如果你在低领带的时候去那里,走到海滩的左边,有一个悬崖的拱门,里面有一个有水晶的洞穴。 可以带灯。 海滩两侧的悬崖也值得徒步旅行。 (那个海滩上的餐厅也推荐!)
Praia do Cavalo – a wild beach next to Praia da Adraga, requires climbing down (moderate difficulty due to potential for sliding. Yiling did with her summer dress and sandals but knowing Yiling that doesn’t mean it’s easy), but a super quiet and private beach. / Praia da Adraga 旁边的一个野生海滩,需要爬下来(没那么难,一凌当时穿着她夏天的裙子和凉拖就硬爬下去了,哈哈),但是一个超级安静的私人海滩。
Pegadas de Dinossauro da Praia Grande – a cliff where you can see ancient dinosaur foot prints. Pretty majestic cliff next to the beach Praia Grande. /可以看到古代恐龙脚印的悬崖。 普拉亚格兰德海滩旁边非常雄伟的悬崖。
Praia do Porto do Touro ou Guincho Velho – another favorite cliff and beach. More so to the cliff way into this beach was a beautiful wild path especially during sunset golden hours. Also good for trial running/hiking there too! / 另一个最喜欢的悬崖和海滩。 更重要的是,通往海滩的悬崖之路是一条美丽的野外小路,尤其是在日落的黄金时段。 也非常适合在那里试跑/徒步旅行z z
Quinta da Regaleira – There are countless beautiful places to go in the city of Sintra, one of them is the Quinta da Regaleira. The place, which attracts by its strange nature, was the inspiration of Carvalho Monteiro. Carvalho ordered architect Luigi Manini to create spaces that reflected his passion for alchemy and occultism in his architecture. The palace is mythical with many Gothic features, has underground caves and a covered park. In the gardens, there is a creepy well more than 27 metres deep with stairs leading down to lower levels and connected to tunnels leading to various parts of the garden. The visit to Quinta da Regaleira is one of the most accessible in terms of location and price.辛特拉市有无数美丽的地方可以去,雷加莱拉庄园就是其中之一。 这个以其奇特的自然风光而吸引人的地方是卡瓦略·蒙泰罗的灵感来源。 卡瓦略命令建筑师路易吉·马尼尼(Luigi Manini)在其建筑中创造反映他对炼金术和神秘主义热情的空间。 这座宫殿充满神话色彩,具有许多哥特式特色,拥有地下洞穴和有顶棚的公园。 花园里有一口深超过27米的令人毛骨悚然的井,井内有楼梯通向较低的楼层,并连接着通往花园各个部分的隧道。 就位置和价格而言,雷加莱拉庄园 (Quinta da Regaleira) 的参观是最方便的参观之一。
Monserrate Palace – The Palace of Monserrate is one of the most spectacular historical centres and mansions that travellers cannot overlook. It is one of the most iconic buildings in Sintra. It perfectly combines Arab and Gothic architectural forms surrounded by beautiful gardens. The palace was built with the aim of being the summer house of Viscount Francis Cook de Monserrate in 1860. Although not very large, it is essential to visit the interior spaces. Of the outstanding sites is the Music Hall, is currently used to develop cultural events and whose acoustics is impressive. Arriving at the Palace of Monserrate is a wonderful experience as well as visiting it. It is only 6 kilometres from Sintra, on foot or by car. It is exciting on the way to enjoy the incredible natural panoramas and other historic buildings. 蒙塞拉特宫是游客不可忽视的最壮观的历史中心和豪宅之一。 它是辛特拉最具标志性的建筑之一。 它完美地结合了阿拉伯和哥特式建筑形式,周围环绕着美丽的花园。 这座宫殿于 1860 年建成,目的是作为弗朗西斯·库克·德·蒙塞拉特子爵的避暑别墅。虽然不是很大,但参观内部空间是必不可少的。 其中最突出的景点是音乐厅,目前用于举办文化活动,其音响效果令人印象深刻。 到达蒙塞拉特宫并参观它是一次美妙的经历。 距离辛特拉仅 6 公里,步行或驾车即可到达。 途中欣赏令人难以置信的自然全景和其他历史建筑是令人兴奋的。
Alcatruz – absolute recommended ocean side restaurant with lovely terrace looking over the ocean and good contemporary seafood!! Cash only! 绝对推荐的海滨餐厅,有可爱的露台,可以俯瞰大海,还有美味的现代海鲜! 只收现金!
Pensão Sisudo – our favourite for lunch offers. Fresh daily menu with house wine and homemade various desserts. 我们最喜欢的适合吃午餐的餐厅,有午餐优惠。 新鲜的每日菜单包括招牌葡萄酒和自制的各种甜点。
Água e Sal – suppose to be a very good seafood restaurant not so far from our villa. 按理说是离我们别墅不远的一家非常好的海鲜餐厅。
To be
accommodation 住宿
We booked the villa for all of us to spend 3 nights together from 7th to 9th. Due to the intimate nature of this event, we have distributed the rooms so that everyone is sharing the space with either someone you know or a like minded spirit. The first night (7th) there will be some guests who are not part of our party there, however for the 8th and 9th we will have the entire villa to ourselves. We will be reorienting after the first night to take advantage of the additional rooms. Thank you for joining us and offering your space! We are super looking forward to spend these special moments with you all.
我们为大家预订了别墅,从7号到9号一起住3晚。 由于此次举办小型亲密的婚礼,我们对房间人员进行了分配,以便每个人都可以与您认识的人或志同道合的人共享空间。 第一晚(7号)会有一些不属于我们派对的其他客人,但8号和9号晚上我们将独享整个别墅。 第一晚(7号)之后我们将重新调整房间,以利用新空出来的房间。谢谢您的体谅与参与! 我们非常期待与大家一起度过这些特殊的时刻。
Housing for these nights is 45€ / $49 / 350¥ per night per person
这些夜晚的住宿价格为每人每晚 45 欧元/49 美元/350 元人民

Wedding Gifts 结婚礼物
Some have asked about gift registry – we don’t have anything in mind. You all are close to us so your attendance is our gift. But if you must we have a wedding gift fund that will help with our honeymoon and new home. ;P
大家询问了有关结婚礼物的问题 – 我们其实没有什么想法。 你们都是我们最亲近的亲友,所以你们的出席就是我们的礼物。 但如果你必须的话,我们有一个结婚礼物基金,帮助我们资助我们的蜜月和搭建新家。 ;P
Whether for the housing or for contributing to our wedding gift fund please feel free to use the following methods – MobilePay(€), Venmo($), Wechat(¥) or Cash.
无论是支付此次婚礼一起居住的住宿费还是赠给我们的结婚礼物基金,请使用以下方式 – MobilePay(€)、Venmo($)、Wechat(¥) 或现金