Cacao, the plant we more often know as chocolate, has always been a sacred medicine plant for indigenous traditions in Central and South America. It is no coincidence that western culture has ended up regarding chocolate as a remedy for heartbreak, the plant spirit of Cacao has a role of medicine of the heart in these wise cultures since time immemorial.
Carrying the energies EARTH and MOTHER archetypes, the plant of Cacao helps us reconnect with all that is sacred within and around us. It heightens our senses, including our felt sense of our bodies, our hearts and intuition. Through this connection, it helps us know ourselves, and grow our own sense of what is sacred- however we define that.
We will begin the session by setting intentions, then call in the seven directions in a somatic way and then drink our Cacao & go into a deep meditative state that Cacao invites us to. In this simple silence of meditation you will get to experience the particular way that Cacao meets you- in your own heart and body.
It’s a 7 persons small group session. We will enjoy a frothy and rich drink made with 100% raw Cacao paste from a small farm in the Peruvian Amazon region. The session will lovingly guided by Dorothy Zablah, a Mexican-Lebanese ritual designer, learning designer & facilitator.