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February COMMUNITEA | T(ea)J Night

February 26 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

It’s that time of the month again – COMMUNITEA! This month we wanted to do things with a bit of a “spin” – T(ea)J style. We at Nari Tea believe that brewing good tea is a skill that can be developed through building a relationship with a single tea, listening to it and yourself throughout the brews. We also believe that if you don’t mix things up it’s possible to brew out a singular side of the multi-faceted tea.


This is where T(ea)J Night comes in! Inspired by a conversation with @careforteaware, where we discussed how every brewer brings their own unique energy and take on tea, TeaJ is about exploring your tea with other tea lovers. We will break up into small groups where we invite people to change brewers or “TJ” every infusion, giving each person a chance to take what they learned from the previous brew to bring their own take on the tea to the table. Bring a tea you’d like to learn better or you can brew one of ours that you’d like to explore (and of course a tea that can be steeped multiple times is preferred). Communitea is a freeform event, so feel free to “Remix” our ideas in the small groups as well as move around in between groups.


See you this Sunday, from 17 – 19 (or later if we all get tea drunk!)


No need to sign up, just show up with open mind, love and compassion. COMMUNITEA is our donation based monthly meet up where we bring together you, the tea community, to share the tea you’re most excited about with like-minded tea lovers. 


Nari Tea Lab

Toinen Linja 13 B30
Helsinki, 00530 Finland

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